Rabbits in Australia may be vaccinated for Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus (previously known as Rabbit Calicivirus).
RHDV is occasionally released by the government to suppress the numbers of feral rabbits. Unfortunately, it can spread to your rabbit through direct contact, contact with respiratory fluids, or being bitten by a variety of insects that can carry it from one bunny to another (most notably mosquitos and fleas). Infection with RHDV can lead to sudden death, general lethargy and being "unwell", and/or internal bleeding symptoms (similar to rat poison).
There are two types of RHDV, Type 1 and Type 2. The government only ever releases various strains of Type 1, but Type 2 came to Australia many years ago through imported rabbits. We are able to offer the newest vaccination, Filavac, which is protective for both Types! Your bunny will need two initial vaccinations a month apart, and then yearly boosters. Myxomatosis Vaccination - unfortunately, myxomatosis vaccination is not possible in Australia. The government has given a hard "no" to importing this vaccination. The best protection for your bunnies is to keep them separated from feral bunnies, up to date on flea protection, and provide mosquito protection such as mosquito nets tented away from the edges of their enclosure (So they cannot chew holes in it!)
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